Monday, August 30, 2010

Inspire Me Monday: Craig Ferguson

Monday is back again my friends. And I am sticking to inspiration, which I hope will get me motivated after a weekend of travel and family. It's time to get back in the photo grove of things.  I first came across Craig Ferguson's work on a set of interviews done on I was truly drawn to Craig's story as much as his work. I'll admit this is directly linked with the stage of life that I am currently in. I know that I am about to go and live in Lusaka for 2 years, so I have been seeking photographers who have made a similar treck, and been good at it. 

The theme I'm sticking to this week is R-E-S-P-E-C-T, yep just like Diana Ross and the Supremes. During the interview Craig was asked, "What are the characteristics that a good cultural photographer needs to have? How is that different from other fields in photography?"


Patience and respect are probably the most essential characteristics needed. Actually, the same characteristics that make someone a good human being would make someone a good cultural photographer. Awareness, honesty, openness, curiosity are all traits that are desirable in any walk of life. 

I've been thinking alot about this approach, respect and awareness are not something that we see incorporated into our immediate daily schedule where we are very busy and important, it seems to be that other people often become more of a nuisance in traffic than an entity to be respected. I am always amazed in other countries how there is less focus on the individual and more on the community. A respect for the group as a whole. As for me, I think I'm going to focus on being aware and respecting those around me this week. You never know someone's story, and you never know what you'll stumble upon if you'd pay attention.

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